
Fortunately, very little needs to be done to care for the baby after circumcision.  Parents are advised to apply a cherry-sized amount of Vaseline or other ointment to the part of the diaper that will cover the head of the penis every time they change the baby for the five days following the circumcision.  If, as mentioned above, any signs of excessive bleeding or infection appear, the mohel or the pediatrician should be called. The baby can be bathed 24 hours after his circumcision (if his cord stump has already fallen off). Prior to the end of the twenty-four hours, any stool or urine that gets on the penis should be washed off gently with a wet, warm, soft cloth.

The Bris (Brit Milah) Site

So You Want to Make a Bris
Everything you need to know about having a bris for your newborn son